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What We Do


What is Early Childhood Western Tidewater?

The Early Childhood Initiative, spearheaded by the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, is the catalyst for bringing a diverse set of public and private partners together to drive efficiencies, accountability, and strategic investment in human capital at the most promising stage of development.

Our Vision Children are born healthy and supported in nurturing environments to become lifelong learners.

Our Mission To champion quality early childhood experiences in our community.

Our Programs and Services
Early Childhood Western Tidewater (ECWT) accomplishes its mission via partnership with Ready Regions Southeastern, convening the Western Tidewater Early Childhood Collaboration, and boots on the ground efforts. Early Childhood Western Tidewater has piloted programs such as Books by Mail, Pre-K to Kindergarten Literacy Kits, STREAM Curriculum Kits, and SOL Resource Fairs for local school systems. Additionally, the organization coordinates the local Safe Sleep Sleeptight program in partnership with CHIP of South Hampton Roads and The Children's Center. Also, ECWT provides free monthly professional development workshops and trainings for preschool educators. Early childhood educators also receive home and center based support via technical assistance from the team. Lastly, the organization coordinates two large health and wellness resource fairs a year with generous in-kind support from Gatherings in SoCo.